Web Tails

Why is My Dog Acting Lethargic?

Why is My Dog Acting Lethargic?

Do you have a dog? Have they been acting lethargic lately? Are you concerned about what this lack of energy could mean for your pet? Should you take your dog to the vet every time they seem to be lethargic about something? If you’re asking yourself any of these questions, you’re not alone. Many pet…

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Why Would a Cat Poop Outside the Litter Box?

Why Would a Cat Poop Outside the Litter Box?

If you have a cat, chances are good you’ve experienced some litter box issues now and then. Although cats are relatively easy to train to use their litter, some cats may start pooping outside the litter box now and then for a variety of reasons. But what causes this, and is it something to worry…

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How Old is My Dog?

How Old is My Dog?

Have you ever wondered how old your dog is? How can you tell, especially if you adopted your dog from an animal shelter or rescue? If you don’t know the history of your pet, and you did not adopt them from a breeder, is there any real way to know how old they are? In…

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My Dog Has Lick Granulomas, Is This Serious?

My Dog Has Lick Granulomas, Is This Serious?

Has your dog been diagnosed with lick granulomas, or have you noticed this condition occurring in your pet? Do you find yourself worrying more and more about your pet’s health and wellness because of this problem? Are lick granulomas serious, or are they nothing to worry about? In the article below, you’ll find a breakdown…

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5 Reasons to Protect Your Dog from Lyme Disease

5 Reasons to Protect Your Dog from Lyme Disease

Has your dog been vaccinated for Lyme disease? Should you get your pet vaccinated for this condition? Is it necessary, or is it okay for you to skip the Lyme disease vaccine for your dog? If you’ve ever found yourself wondering these questions, you’ve come to the right place. In the article below, you’ll find…

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6 Things That Could Cause Your Dog to Shake

6 Things That Could Cause Your Dog to Shake

Do you have a dog who shakes a lot? Or has your dog just recently started shaking? Are you concerned about what might be causing this behavior in your pet? Is there anything you need to do to help? If you’ve ever found yourself asking questions like these about your pet, you’re not alone. In…

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