Graham and Jeremy
Most pet parents know when something isn’t right. It’s the little things that change first. And for Graham, that little thing was jumping. Graham, a 16 year old ragdoll, loves to jump. He would jump onto the bed every evening, until one night he stood next to it in hesitation. Jeremy noticed slower walking around the apartment and longer naps in his favorite chair. Not knowing if these “little things” were pointing to a more serious illness, he made an appointment with his veterinarian, Dr. Beth.
Chronic pain can develop silently in our pets, and changes to what is “normal” can often be your first clue. Graham’s “little changes” were signs of muscle loss in both hind legs due to arthritis, a common, but often unrecognized, condition in cats. Managing pain is critical to quality of life and a strong human-animal bond. And for Graham’s chronic pain, Dr Beth used a combination of traditional and alternative therapies, including weekly acupuncture appointments. Today, Graham jumps on the
bed, walks easier and is generally more active.